Belgrade, 7 February 2024 – TRH Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine officially delivered today a very important donation of new Hearing Screening Devices to 10 Serbian hospitals. The delivery was done in the presence and with the support of the Ministry of Health of Serbia, represented by State Secretary Mr. Alexander Milosevic, and Mr. David Morgan, Deputy Head of Mission in the Embassy of Canada to Serbia at the Royal Palace in Belgrade.
Thanks to the generosity of the donors and supporters of Lifeline Canada. Two very successful humanitarian events were organized in Toronto and Niagara Falls in October last year, following the joint vision of providing much-needed support for the improvement of healthcare for newborns and children across Serbia. The main goal of these events was to make sure that hospitals in Serbia are supported with hearing screening equipment. Lifeline Canada Humanitarian Organization is under patronage of Her Royal Highness, and for more than 30 years has provided support with the same enthusiasm, love, and care to the people in need in Serbia and the Republic of Srpska.
The delivery today at the Palace was also attended by the directors and representatives of the recipients of the donation, General Hospitals from Aleksinac, Valjevo, Pozarevac, Smederevo, Vrsac, Kikinda, Vrbas, Vranje, Paracin, and Cuprija, as well as members of the Royal Medical Board and the Royal Hearing Screening Committee.
State Secretary Milosevic, on behalf of the Ministry of Health and the Minister, H.E. Prof. Dr. Danice Grujičić, thanked Their Royal Highnesses, the humanitarian organization Lifeline Canada, as well as everyone who contributed to the implementation of such a donation, pointing out that this is another great contribution of the Crown Princess. Mr. Morgan in his speech emphasized the pleasure of the Canadian Embassy in Serbia with this donation and successful cooperation.
Prof. Dr. Zoran Komazec, a member of the Royal Hearing Screening Committee, explained in more detail how the donated devices work and that their special importance lies precisely in the fact that they enable early detection of deafness or hard-of-hearing. Neonatal screening makes it possible to determine the existence of a problem from the age of only one or two days and to refer the children further to the final diagnosis. “After early and adequate established condition and rehabilitation, as an epilogue to this whole story, we will get children who develop speech that is equal or almost equal to their hearing peers.”
“I believe that no newborn baby should leave the hospital without a three-minute hearing test, to make sure that they do not have a hearing problem. I strongly believe that every hospital should have it and that parents must be encouraged so their children can take it, and that they can be certain that everything is all right. The devices that we are providing today, will enable a quick and accurate hearing examination of newborns, which will significantly improve the possibility of early detection of hearing problems and timely intervention, thanks to the generosity of Lifeline Canada’s supporters and donors.
We must never stop supporting our healthcare institutions and fighting for a better future for our children. I am grateful for the opportunity to help our people. It is our duty, to always be there for the people of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska”, stated HRH Crown Princess Katherine on this occasion.
TRH Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine are very grateful to Mr. Zoran Churchin, The Yerich family, Mr. and Mrs. John and Lana Vujicic, The Niagara Falls committee headed by Mrs. Georgina Kiraly and Mr. Rick Sereda, as well as Board Members and supporters of Lifeline Canada.
HRH Crown Princess Katherine and the Royal Hearing Screening Committee, which was established by Her Royal Highness, constantly appeal for the importance of using equipment for early diagnosis in all maternity hospitals, so that hearing problems can be found during the period when early intervention and proper treatments can provide more quality life. Detected in time, a hearing impairment can be overcome with a hearing aid or cochlear implant, and the child’s speech abilities and development will go on as normal.
Crown Princess Katherine during today’s event also said: “We need to think of the future of Serbia. Our children must learn the joy of giving. Our children learn from us, and when we help our children to learn, then we are building a country that will have a heart, we are building a country that will know how to help others. It is not important what we have, it is important what we give. If people can switch the having with the giving, I think they will be much happier, and much more proud of their children as they are growing up”.