HRH Crown Princess Katherine has spent the Christmas Day visiting social care institutions, children hospitals and childcare institutions.
Before the traditional family lunch, Crown Princess Katherine participated in the work of the public kitchen in old part of Belgrade, Dorćol, where she served lunch to poor people together with HE Nenad Bogdanović, Mayor of Belgrade, HE Robert Paul McDougal, Ambassador of Canada, HE Stephen John Wordsworth, Ambassador of Great Britain, Mr. Dragan Đilas, Director of People’s Office, and Mrs. Ljiljana Lučić, Secretary of Social and Child Care of the City of Belgrade.
In the afternoon, Crown Princess Katherine visited centers for children without parental care in Zvečanska street and Drinka Pavlović Center, as well and children hospitals in Tiršova street and Majka i Dete in New Belgrade, where she delivered presents to children, bringing them a piece of warmth and happiness of the holiday season, and showing them that they are not alone and that she and her Foundation always have them in mind.
The children responded in the best possible manner – with smiles, joy, songs and gratitude.