Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Katarina received today at the Royal Palace in Belgrade Serbian Minister for Social Affairs, Dr Gordana Matkovic, Serbian Deputy Minister for Health and Environment, Dr Predrag Obradovic and Montenegrin Deputy Health Minister, Dr Dragan Lausevic. Along with the representatives of some twenty non-governmental organisations, the meeting was also attended by His Excellency Ambassador of Switzerland, Mr. Daudenz Ruf, Her Excellency Ambassador of Canada, Mrs. Angela Bogdan, representatives of the embassies of Belgium, Great Britain, Japan, Norway, Italy and the USA. Mr. Paul Herbert, the Head of the UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs was present too.
HRH Princess Katarina arranged this meeting, also attended by HRH Crown Prince Aleksandar, in order to put in touch all those whose humanitarian work could be of significant help to the most affected categories of population. Issues such as specific actions in the immediate future and better co-ordination of all the activities were discussed with the representatives of the NGOs.
Ministry representatives outlined the current situation in the health and social welfare sectors. It was agreed that such exchanges of information should continue, since it is, above all, in the interest of the citizens in need of humanitarian aid.