
Thanks to very valuable donation of Lifeline Canada Humanitarian Organization, Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Katherine donated today ultra sound machine worth 20,000 dollars to Institute for Mother and Child for examining infants and little children. This machine is very important for doctors and patients at this institution, because it will replace the old one that has been used over the last 25 years.

“My Foundation and I continue to help our health institutions in order to make treatment of children easier for doctors, and to make New Year and Christmas holidays happier for children by giving them gifts. I thank Lifeline Canada Humanitarian Organization who made possible that we have state of the art machine here for examination of hips of newborns and children. I wish Merry Christmas to all the doctors and children and lot of happiness and joy. Christ is born!” said Crown Princess Katherine.

“On behalf of the Institute for mother and child and all our doctors, I would like to express our gratitude for this very valuable donation. By using the most modern machines we obtain better prevention and treatment, and the work is made much easier. Our cooperation with Princess Katherine and Lifeline is going on for years and I am certain it will continue in the future” said Professor Radoje Simic, director of the Institute for Mother and Child.

Along with the board of Lifeline Canada, the church board and congregation of St. Stefan Serbian Orthodox church in Ottawa, Ontario together raised funds for another this much needed ultrasound machine for the benefit of children in Serbia, which delivery is planned for the following period too.




Zahvaljujući vrednoj donaciji humanitarne organizacije Lajflajn Kanada, Njeno Kraljevsko Visočanstvo Princeza Katarina danas je Institutu za majku i dete uručila ultrazvučni aparat vrednosti 20.000 dolara namenjen pregledima novorođenčadi i male dece. Ovaj aparat je veoma važan za lekare i pacijente ove ustanove jer će zameniti stari koji je radio čak 25 godina.

„Moja Fondacija i ja nastavljamo da pomažemo naše zdravstvene ustanove kako bismo lekarima olakšali lečenje dece, a mališanima paketićima bar malo ulepšali novogodišnje i božićne praznike. Zahvaljujem humanitarnoj organizaciji Lajflajn Kanada koja je omogućila da danas ovde imamo najsavremeniji ultrazvučni aparat za predgled kukova kod novorođenčadi i dece. Svim lekarima i dečici želim srećan Božić i mnogo radosti i ljubavi. Hristos se rodi!“, rekla je Princeza Katarina.

„U ime Instituta za majku i dete i svih naših lekara, želim da Princezi Katarini i organizaciji Lajflajn Kanada odam veliku zahvalost na ovoj izuzetno vrednoj donaciji. Korišćenjem najsavremenijih aparata utičemo na preventivu i uspešnije lečenje, a sam rad značajno je olakšan. Naša saradnja sa Princezom Katarinom i Lajflajnom traje već godinama i siguran sam da će se nastaviti i u budućnosti”, rekao je profesor Radoje Simić, direktor Instituta za majku i dete.

Pored odbora Lajflajn Kanada, u prikupljanju sredstava za još jedan ultrazvučni uređaj su učestvovali crkveni odbor i vernici crkve Svetog Stefana u Otavi u Ontariju, a isporuka ovog uređaja za pomoć deci u Srbiji planirana je u narednom periodu.